Class: AcademicEventSeries

An academic event series describes the set of academic events which take place on a regular basis and thus have an established common identity. This identity is constituted, for example, through institutional continuity in the hosting of a series (e.g. by a specialised society), thematic focuses and/or a common label under which a series is defined (particularly name and acronym). Nevertheless, it is possible that each of these criteria may change over time.

URI: confident:AcademicEventSeries



  • is_a: PlannedProcess - Abstract base class for academic events and event series.

Referenced by Class



Inherited from PlannedProcess:

  • type 0..1
    • Description: An abstract property that is reused in certain classes to differentiate their instances according to the type enums defined as the range.
    • Range: String
  • contact 0..1
    • Description: The contact person of an academic event or event series.
    • Range: ContactPerson

Other properties

Mappings: aeon:0000002
Close Mappings: sdo:EventSeries