Class: ExternalIdentifier

An identifer of an entity declared in another schema.

URI: confident:ExternalIdentifier


Uses Mixin

  • mixin: SchemaBasedThing - A mixin used in classes that contain schema based values, such as the classifications used to denote the academic field of an event or the external identifiers used to denote a thing.


  • DblpId - The identifier of an academic event or series in dblp.
  • DigitalObjectId - A centrally registered identifier symbol used to uniquely identify digital objects given by International DOI Foundation.
  • GndId - The identifier of a thing (item) in the German National authority file.
  • TibkatId - The identifier of a publication in the TIB catalog.
  • WikiCfpId - The identifier of an academic event or series in WikiCFP.
  • WikidataId - The identifier of a thing (item) in Wikidata.

Referenced by Class



Mixed in from SchemaBasedThing:

Mixed in from SchemaBasedThing:

  • schema_base_uri 0..1
    • Description: The base URI of the schema that provides the context for the schema based value.
    • Range: Uriorcurie