Class: Contributor

A contributor is a person or organization that holds a contributor role which is being realized in a planned process.

URI: confident:Contributor


Uses Mixin

  • mixin: NamedThing - A mixin used to provide the attributes needed for the identification of named class.


  • Attendee - A attendee of an academic event.
  • Moderator - A moderator of an academic event.
  • Organizer - An organizer of an academic event or event series.
  • Presenter - A person that presents its work at an academic event.
  • Reviewer
  • Sponsor - A sponsor of an academic event or event series.

Referenced by Class



Mixed in from NamedThing:

  • id 1..1
    • Description: A property to provide an internal id of a schema entity in the ConfIDent plattform.
    • Range: Uriorcurie

Mixed in from NamedThing:

  • name 0..1
    • Description: A property to provide a name of a schema entity.
    • Range: String

Mixed in from NamedThing: