Class: NamedThing

A mixin used to provide the attributes needed for the identification of named class.

URI: confident:NamedThing


Mixin for

  • City (mixin) - The city in which an academic event takes place.
  • Contributor (mixin) - A contributor is a person or organization that holds a contributor role which is being realized in a planned process.
  • Country (mixin) - The country in which an academic event takes place.
  • PlannedProcess (mixin) - Abstract base class for academic events and event series.
  • Publication (mixin) - A published work, e.g. proceedings or conferenc paper, that is the output of an academic event or series.
  • Region (mixin) - The region in which an academic event takes place. For non USA events this might often be negligible.
  • Venue (mixin) - The venue at which an academic event takes place.

Referenced by Class



  • id 1..1
    • Description: A property to provide an internal id of a schema entity in the ConfIDent plattform.
    • Range: Uriorcurie
  • name 0..1
    • Description: A property to provide a name of a schema entity.
    • Range: String
  • external_id 0..*
    • Description: A property to provide an external id of a schema entity.
    • Range: ExternalIdentifier